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Aeropress FINE Able Disk filter

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The Able DISK Coffee Filter is a reusable filter designed to be used with the AeroPress® Coffee Maker. This allows more oils and a fuller bodied cup of coffee when used with the AeroPress®.

Transform your Aeropress experience with the Standard Able Brewing Disk Aeropress Coffee Filter. This permanent stainless steel filter features hundreds of holes that allow a small amount of micro grounds and natural oils through to your mug to produce a stunning flavor profile.

The difference between a FINE and STANDARD disk is listed below.


Which disk is right for you? The Able coffee filter disk is a stainless steel filter designed to be used in the AeroPress coffee maker. This reusable stainless steel filter disk eliminates the need for paper filter replacements. The disk is hassle-free, easy to wipe clean and best of all it's reusable, so better for the environment.

There are two options in the Abledisk filter range.

STANDARD (like papers): Yields a fuller cup of coffee with a bit more fines. It’s thicker, and should last through many years of heavy use. It is more difficult to bend and/or damage.

FINE: Produces a very sweet & clean cup of coffee with very little fines to none at all. It’s much thinner (1/3 of the Standard) and should be handled with care, as bending/damage is more likely.

Regular paper filters absorb your coffee’s natural oils and hold back all micro grounds, eliminating many of the rich flavors and aromas that they contribute. This Able Brewing Disk, on the other hand, let’s some these through to produce a noticeably richer and bolder mug with a full body.

The Standard Able Brewing Disk is well-suited for travel. It’s easy to clean, can be used over and over again, and can be packed into the Aeropress filter cap itself. It eliminates the need for paper filters, which makes your Aeropress routine 100% eco friendly and keeps you from producing paper waste while on the road.

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