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Cafetto Renew Descaler Sachet (4x25g)

Tax included

All ingredients are all rapidly biodegradable meeting international standards. Contains a synergistic blend of organic acids that give outstanding scale removal.

Designed for espresso machines, boilers and coffee brewers. This product can also be used in kettles, urns and bain maries.


All ingredients are all rapidly biodegradable meeting international standards. Contains a synergistic blend of organic acids that give outstanding scale removal.

Designed for espresso machines, boilers and coffee brewers.

This product can also be used in kettles, urns and bain maries.


Espresso Machines:

  1. Add contents of sachet to 1 litre of warm water, dissolve, and then pour into water tank.
  2. Remove filter holder and turn machine on.
  3. Place cup under brew spout and run out about 1 cup of the descaling solution. Run about a ¼ cup out through the steam arm. (For superautomatic machines run all the solution through the steam wand and set on hot water not the steam setting).
  4. Allow to stand for 15 minutes, and then repeat the process. Repeat the entire process until all the solution is used up.
  5. Rinse thoroughly by flushing one tank of clean fresh water through the system exiting through the brew head and the steam wand.


Coffee Brewers:

  1. Add contents of sachet to 1 litre of warm water and dissolve
  2. Refer to manufacturer's instructions
  3. Rinse with potable water.



  1. Fill kettle 3/4 full of potable water
  2. Add 1 sachet (25g) Renew Descaler
  3. Boil the kettle Discard boiled solution
  4. Rinse and boil again with fresh water